A More Rewarding Life

A more rewarding life.

It’s a goal that many of us set for ourselves. Yet we all experience difficulties and emotional traumas in our lives—health or financial issues, challenges with family and friends, uncertain futures—that can distract us from that goal.

How to increase the likelihood of a more satisfying life?

Seeing More Colors by Michael S. Lewis M.D. coverThat’s why I created Seeing More Colors.  

My personal inspiration comes from the teachings of Abraham Maslow, often called the father of modern psychology. I met him in the 1960s while attending Brandeis University, and he became a mentor to me. Maslow’s approach to psychology was simple, yet revolutionary, and it is still relevant today, 40 years after his death.

By studying those people we most admire, Maslow identified the shared characteristics that made them successful; among them are appreciating the moment, focusing beyond oneself, and cultivating a sense of humor. For the past 50 years, I have thought about Abraham Maslow’s ideas every day. They have guided me through difficult times, enhanced my moments of greatest joy, and transformed my life.

Seeing More Colors is illustrated by my travel photographs from 7 continents, and framed by stories from my work as an orthopedic consultant to basketball’s Chicago Bulls (during their world championship seasons) and baseball’s Chicago White Sox. Each chapter elaborates on one of Maslow’s characteristics, and every page includes a story or a quotation that has had a profound influence on me.

I hope you enjoy Seeing More Colors—it’s a wonderful gift to yourself (and to friends and family as well)!


  1. […] they can. Mollie didn’t just make us better debaters, but better humans. I am convinced that mentors are enormously underappreciated in our […]

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