Seeing More Colors

Pages: 167
ISBN13: 978-0979007231
Buy the Book: Univ of Chicago Press CDC (or call 800-621-2736), Amazon, Barnes & Noble, eBook
All proceeds from the book are donated to the Himalayan Cataract Project
Seeing More Colors takes a fresh look at the teachings of Abraham Maslow, considered by many to be the father of modern psychology. A professor at Brandeis University in the 1960s (I studied with him there), Maslow’s approach to psychology was simple, yet revolutionary. He studied the people in this world whom we most admire, then described their characteristics.
Among the most important of these qualities are the capacity to shape reality, appreciating the moment, focusing beyond oneself, humor and celebration, and loving and being loved. Using the results of Maslow’s studies as a framework, this book demonstrates -with stories, quotations, and photographs — how each of us can lead a more rewarding life.
Seeing More Colors is illustrated by my travel photographs from seven continents, as well as stories from my work as an orthopedic consultant to the world champion Chicago Bulls basketball team and the Chicago White Sox baseball team. Every page has a story or a quotation which has had a profound influence on me. Since each chapter is a contained unit, the book can be read one chapter, or even one page, at a time.
Seeing More Colors has readers describing it as “a life changer,” “an inspiration,” and “a book that resonates more deeply with each reading.”
Find out how the teachings of Abraham Maslow can help to transform your life.
Seeing More Colors is the perfect gift for any occasion.
All profits from the book will be donated to the Himalayan Cataract Project.
Read the Intro
“Your book is a splendid treatise on Life. Brilliant in thought and execution…perhaps the best focus I’ve read on how to express Love, both visually and mindfully. Maslow would be proud that you were such an attentive student, especially because your work captures the synthesis of emotion and intellect and translates it into the everyday language of ‘the people.’ ”
– K.C. Hayes, DVM, PhD, Professor Biology (Nutrition) and Director, Foster Biomedical Lab, Brandeis University; inventor of Smart Balance food products
“Your book is enlightening and life-affirming. The exquisite photographs, the pointed quotations, the instructive anecdotes, the distillations of Maslow all work so well together. You are the classic example of the student who really learned from the master. You have captured the rainbows that can be found both outside our visions and inside our souls.”
– Arnie Reisman, panelist on NPR’s SAYS YOU! ; producer, writer, and director of the film, The Powder and the Glory